When You Look Up At The Sky And Stars, What do you think? How vast it is ? Why stars twinkle? How large they are? Why they are still? What is it really? Not all , but may be you will some answers here... 1)Space is very Cold To understand coldness, You should know Heat in a scientific way. Heat is the measure of motion of atoms. Since in coldness atom move slowly and in hotness it moves faster. If atoms come to complete stop, There are at absolute zero(0 Kelvin OR -273 Celsius). Space is just above that at an average of 2.7 Kelvin . 2) There Are Eight Types Of Stars You must be thinking there are only one type of stars and all are more of same. Burning billions of light year away , full with fuel giving light and energy. Stars are diverse and complex as parts of computer or laptop that can be classified into many different type. Prostator : It is a...
If you know basic programming well and good, then download any piece of software like android studio .If you don't know anything abut programming a hire a freelancer developer from any freelancing website(Freelancer.com, Fiverr etc) Make the app build for all the major platform Make an app that do some useful and unique work. so, that can people love to use it .(Target a particular group of audience) Choose, A way to make your app earn for you By putting ads( monetizing it from Google admob or fb ads) By making some feature paid By making the app paid in app-store Publish , first it in a small group of people to test your app. If, it has no bug publish it in nearly every major app-stores(If it has bugs the update , deploy and test and then repeat till your app has no problems) A) Google Play Store(Must)...
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