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Insane Space Facts

When You Look Up At The Sky And Stars, What do you think? How vast it is ? Why stars twinkle? How large they are? Why they are still? What is it really?

Not all , but may be you will some answers here...

1)Space is very Cold

    To understand coldness, You should know Heat in a scientific way. Heat is the measure of motion of atoms. Since in coldness atom move slowly and in hotness it moves faster. If atoms come to complete stop, There are at absolute zero(0 Kelvin OR -273 Celsius). Space is just above that at an average of 2.7 Kelvin.


  2) There Are Eight Types Of Stars  

You must be thinking there are only one type of stars and all are more of         same. Burning billions of light year away , full with fuel giving light and energy. Stars are diverse and complex as parts of computer or laptop that can be classified into many different type. 

  • Prostator : It is a collection of gas cloud that collapsed and forms a huge molecular cloud , They last for 100,000 year
  • T Tauri Star : They are usually brighter than other stars and they last for 100 millions year before evolving into next form.
  • Main Sequence Stars : Most of the stars in our night sky and in the universe are Main Sequence Stars. These can vary in size ,brightness and mass, but they all have same process happening in the core . Converting Hydrogen to helium by fusion and releasing a lot of energy in the same process.
  • Red Giant Stars : As from the name you can guess ,it is a giant star which 100 times bigger than main sequence stars . the star has short life because it has very low amount of fuel.
  • White Dwarf Stars : When a star run out of fuel and it s fusion reaction stops. It collapses due to its own gravity . although the fusion reaction stops , It still shines due to the heat left and it will take more than hundreds of billions year to cool down completely. It is basically a dead star.
  • Red Dwarf Stars : It is a type of main sequence star. It is the most common star in universe. The mass of these star are so low that they are cooler than stars our sun. Thy can save fuel so much that they can last up to 10 trillions year.

  • Neutron Stars : The stars that are 1,35 to 2.1 times the mass of our sun, This type of star don't become white dwarf when they die. Instead, a supernova explosion takes place and causes the death of star while remaining core of star forms a neutron star. It is name neutron star because due to its immense gravity it crushed electron and proton to form neutrons. If the star is more heavier than 2.1 times of sun, Then it will become a black hole. It can rotate 1500 kilometers per second.

  • Super Giant Stars : Yes , you are correct they are largest stars in our universe . They are Supermassive and dozen times the mass of sun.

3) Smell Of Space

Space have a smell . Astronaut returning from space has described the smell of space as "A Mix of Gun Powder, Seared Stick, Raspberries and Rum "

4) Sun is not Yellow, Orange Or Red. 

It is a common misconception that sun in Yellow, Red or Orange. However, The sun is essentially all color mixed , which appears to be white . Sun from outer space can be seen as white

5) Our Solar System is 4.57 Billions Year Old

Scientists estimate that in about 5 billion years, our Sun will expand becoming a Red Giant.

In about 7.5 billion years its expanding surface will swallow up and engulf the Earth.


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